How To Make Rock Candy Sticks​ (Without Food Colouring)?

Wight rock candy sticks
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Rock candy sticks are a fun way to make and engage kids as well. They are like a cooking and fun science experiment to do at birthday parties, events, or any occasion. Moreover, it gives out amazing results as well.

It is perfect to make on a kid’s birthday to make it even fun, rock candy brings the childhood of parents as well. But there’s a question: how to make a rock candy stick without adding food color to it? Let’s explore some of the amazing methods and tips in this blog.

Origin of Rock Candy

These rock candies, sugar candy, and crystal sugar have a long and rich history. They likely returned to Sanskrit times in the Middle East a few centuries ago. It extended across the Arab world, India, China, and Europe.

Furthermore, it continues to be used in traditional tea service cultures around the world, including North East Germany, Iran, and India. In Mexico, crystal skulls are made using this procedure for The Day of the Dead on November 1st and given to children to protect them, as well as an offering at the departed’s altar.

Fun Science Experiment for Kids

These colorful lollipops are a great experiment to do with the kids, but be careful. If they are old enough, they can conduct the color mixing and stick manipulations, but they must be covered before attempting this recipe.

Method of Making Rock Candy Sticks

First of all, you should have a ratio of water and sugar of 3:1. This means one cup of water for every three cups of sugar. This will be to saturate the water with sugar to get the crystallization on the stick. To dissolve so much sugar in so little water, bring the water to a boil and then gradually add the sugar until entirely dissolved.

Then, dip your skewers in syrup, then sugar, and let dry. This is a vital step that initiates the crystallization process! Allow around 45 minutes for the sugar to set on the stick before adding It To The Syrup.

Avoid Touching The Glass Directly

To avoid clinging to the glass, the sticks should not come into contact with the sides, bottom, or each other. It is typical to see light crystallization on the top of the glass; you can shatter it with a spoon before removing the Sticks to avoid complications.

Allow the glasses to rest in a calm area with minimal air movement. Once it begins to rest, it will take around a week to make all of the rock candy sticks. However, this can happen sooner.

You can look but not touch the glasses. This will be a wonderful lesson in patience for the kids as they watch their delectable Rock Candy Sticks develop in size. Overall, the dish is straightforward and enjoyable. However it must be monitored if made with children.

Rock Candy Crystals

To begin, you’ll need something for the rock candy crystals to grow on. Use cake pop or lollipop sticks, and strings are frequently employed. I used bamboo skewers as well. You can also use a popsicle stick.

Dip the stick in water, then roll it onto a dish with white granulated sugar. Small sugar crystals will adhere to the stick. These are what are known as “seed crystals.” The other crystals will adhere to these. After coating the sticks, allow them to dry for 25 to 30 minutes.

It’s time to produce the sugar solution. Take a medium saucepot and add the water. Place it on the stovetop and set the heat to medium. For this sugar mixture, medium to medium-high heat is sufficient.

Once the water begins to simmer, add one of the cups of white sugar. After the sugar has dissolved, add another cup and repeat with the remaining cup of sugar. In total, there will be three cups of sugar. Stir the mixture and bring to a boil. There is no reason to use a candy thermometer. We don’t need to reach a certain temperature; simply bring it to a rolling boil.

Flavorings of Candy

Once it reaches a rolling boil, add drops of food coloring to achieve the correct hue, as well as any hard candy flavoring oil you may have. Stir it in, then turn off the heat.

Allow the heated sugar solution to cool for 20 minutes until it reaches room temperature; if it is too hot, the sugar on the rock candy sticks will melt right away. This is the primary solution for hard candy rock crystals.

Please do not touch the liquid or the pot; they are extremely hot and will burn you. Young children should be supervised when manufacturing rock candy at home.

Next, you’ll need some form of container to store the solution in. The container should not be too narrow; it should be large enough to facilitate crystal development without clinging to the sides.

Use a funnel to make it easy to fill the jar. Allow about an inch to two inches of room at the top. Place a circular ring on top of the jar, then dip one of your sugar sticks in it and secure it with a clothespin.

Storage of Candy

Allow an inch and a half of space between the bottom of the jar/container and the stick. If you want to manufacture candy in a variety of colors and flavors, do not add food coloring or flavoring oil while the solution is heating. You can also put it in individual jars.

Now, it’s time to wait for those sugar crystals to form, which will require some patience. Unfortunately, you cannot expedite food science. It takes as long as it takes, which is normally 5 to 7 days, for a sufficient number of crystals to form, resulting in that amazing rock candy.

Conclusion: Homemade Rock Candy is ready!

Use a fork to carefully break apart the thin coating of sugar crystals on top. Pull the stick with the rock candy from the solution and place it on another glass to dry.

This allows any dripping sugar water to be trapped. Allow them to dry for about four hours. The longer you leave them in the water, the larger the crystals will become. Don’t they look great? You have created your very own rock candy.

To get more information on how to make rock candy sticks​, we’re here to help! Get in touch with Exirticaret, which is the right place. 

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